Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It r=1-sinθ (2022)


Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It r=1-sinθ (2022)

Director: Toru Kitahata
Studio: Zero-G
Starring: Yuma Uchida, Sora Amamiya, Natsuko Hara
Episodes: 12

Following the Okinawa trip, Yukimura and Himuro take their experiment to the next level to prove their love for each other.

As I enjoyed the first season so much, I was quite happy to get a continuation. Now, for a series like this, honestly any romcom, there's a challenge of keeping the material fresh, especially when the main romance approaches resolution. Part of the way it gets handled this season is with a greater focus on Kanade and the baggage she's been carrying around. Some people may not enjoy the introduction of new characters such as the researchers Chris and Suiu and Haru, the gyaru highschooler Yukimura starts tutoring, but they do help mix things up a bit. One thing I and many other fans were hoping for was more development between Ibarada and Torasuke, but maybe that'll happen later on. Things go a bit off the rails at the end and there will probably be some discontent about the apparent direction of the story going forward, but so far the series has built up enough good will with me that I'm willing to give it a chance in the event of a continuation. Fans of the first season might not be completely satisfied, but I still think it's worth a watch, so give it a shot.

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