Hundred (2016)


Hundred (2016)

Director: Tomoki Kobayashi
Studio: Production IMS
Starring: Yoshiaki Hasegawa, Rumi Okubo, MAO
Episodes: 12

Hayato Kisaragi enrolls in the special academy Little Garden to become a Slayer to fight against the extraterrestrial threat known as the Savage.

I just kinda stumbled across this series and gave it a shot. The premise is fairly generic and almost all the beats dramatic and comedic alike feel rather well-worn. I think if the subject matter was handled more maturely and there was less sophomoric romantic comedy, the story might have been elevated somewhat. If elements such as the concealment of Emilia's identity was held on for longer and given more weight, that would've been nice. I do like how straightforward Emilia is compared to most female romcom leads. I just wish Hayato wasn't so generically spineless. As this anime only covers a portion of a 16-book series, the finale is underwhelming and leaves very little resolved. There's some merit to be had, but overall it's rather bland and forgettable. I can't give it much of a recommendation.
