Aces 'n Eights (2008)

Aces 'n Eights (2008)

Director: Craig R Baxley
Starring: Casper Van Dien, Bruce Boxleitner, Ernest Borgnine

A former gunslinger works as a farmhand for a rancher who refuses to give up his land to make way for the railroad and when other holdouts start getting killed by hired guns, he may have to take up his old ways.

I perhaps hold an unjustified animus against Casper Van Dien, misblaming him for the execrable Verhoeven adaptation of Starship Troopers. I actually gave this film a whirl because the listing gave Ernest Borgnine top billing and I usually find him entertaining. I wasn't expecting Bruce Boxleitner, which was a pleasant surprise. This film is nothing special. If you're big into Westerns, you can probably enjoy it well enough, but it's mediocre top to bottom. The title is clumsily shoehorned in apropos of nothing, which leads me to believe they had the title first when they made the pitch and came up with a plot later and failed to connect them in any meaningful way. There are many fine Westerns out there, but if you somehow lost your collection and are without better options, this isn't too terrible a way to spend some time.
