Palidor Media - The Team
"Palidor Media" is just a name, a label. "Palidor Media" can't do anything by itself. No, it takes a creative team with a commitment to quality. The power of the name "Palidor Media" rest on the shoulders of that team. A team is only as good as its members. Whether it stands or falls, the burden is on them. Since they've got to lug around that sort of responsibility, you might as well get to know them. It's a short list now, but you never know, that could change one day.
Lead Contributor
James Carmack
James Carmack likes to bill himself as an author and a linguist, but it's just a matter of time before he lists his vocation as "adventurer" like some daggone superhero. This international man of mystery has had a lifelong interest in writing and drawing, although the former is far more developed than the latter. He started developing the current crop of stories back in 1995 and began formally putting pen to paper in 2001. Now he wants to share his works with the world (and maybe, just maybe make a little money while he's at it). He is the founder of Palidor Media and the current administrator of this website. You can reach him at
Assistant Contributors
Kazuya Mori
Kazuya Mori is a man with a dream. While currently stuck in a salaryman hell, he dreams of becoming a mangaka. He's looking to raise the funds to attend art school, but in the meantime, he dabbles in his art in his spare time, helpfully contributing the illustrations and animations for the site. He can be reached at
Apprentice Contributors
Ayame Kato
Kato Ayame Jellybean is the official mascot of Palidor Media. Her three sizes are hi-mi-tsu. :P Her uncanny ability to lower office productivity has been well noted. In wartime, the government will no doubt airdrop her into the enemy headquarters so the bad guys will be too preoccupied giving her bellyrubs to notice all the SF operators swarming in to shut the place down. In the meantime, she'll have to be content distracting James while SF operators swarm in and shut down his apartment. Or something. She can be reached at
Olivia Bean
Joining the team in 2011 as a guest star, North Carolina native Olivia Bean was later promoted to junior mascot. Though her role was largely usurped by her frequent tormentor Molly Pepper, there were prospects of her making a comeback until another young up-and-comer gave her a time of it. Nevertheless, she enjoyed a little time of being slightly more well-adjusted before her turn came up. Rest in peace, stripey britches.
Molly Pepper
Joining the team in 2015, Molly Pepper made a name for herself for having a big attitude in a small package. A classical tsundere to humans and a relentless tormentor for poor Olivia, she made a lasting impact in her all too brief time on this earth. She will be missed.