Mieruko-chan (2021)


Mieruko-chan (2021)

Director: Yuki Ogawa, Takahiro Majima
Studio: Passione
Starring: Sora Amamiya, Kaede Hondo, Ayane Sakura
Episodes: 12

A girl starts to see ghosts and lives in constant terror of what they might do to her.

I almost passed on this because I'm not that interested in ghost stories, but I heard some positive buzz and decided to give it a shot. It piqued my interest when the first ghost appears and Miko just gives it a deadpan stare. I was hooked when it was revealed that she was actually scared out of her wits and desperately trying to maintain her poker face. I wasn't familiar with the folklore concept that ghosts can only affect you if they know you can see them, but once I realized that was how things worked, the story became quite compelling. The idea of a character with extremely high sensitivity to the supernatural but zero ability to fight back or defend herself makes for excellent tension with almost every encounter. The ghosts themselves range from being completely harmless to dire threats and appearance isn't always an indication of the danger. That actually becomes something of a running theme, appearances being deceptive and plays well into the final arc. This became one of the series I was most looking forward to week to week this season and I can easily recommend you giving it a watch.

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