Masamune-kun's Revenge R (2023)


Masamune-kun's Revenge R (2023)

Director: Mirai Minato
Studio: Silver Link
Starring: Natsuki Hanae, Ayaka Ohashi, Inori Minase
Episodes: 12

Masamune, Aki and the others go on a school trip to Paris, the perfect setting for Masamune to move his Dead or Love Plan forward.

The first season didn't do much to impress me, and given how so many Japanese romcoms fail to stick the landing even when they have potential, what hope did I have going into this? Well, the answer is "none" and at least in that respect, the series doesn't disappoint. The premise, thin as it was, proves to be a total waste; the big turning point was thoroughly underwhelming and the drama leading to the finale was a pointless drag. If you are inexplicably invested enough to be backing any sort of ship among the characters, don't expect to have a worthwhile payoff. A testament to how much I liked this, I dropped off mid-season and didn't get back to it until recently just for the purpose of this review and I wish I could get a refund on the time I wasted. Turns out word-of-mouth was right about this one. Even if you've already watched the first season, don't bother with this. Probably any ending you could imagine would be better than what we get. Give this one a pass.

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