Midori Days (2004)


Midori Days (2004)

Director: Tsuneo Kobayashi
Studio: Pierrot
Starring: Mai Nakahara, Kisho Taniyama, Reiji Takagi
Episodes: 13

A delinquent who can't get a girlfriend wakes up one morning to find his right hand has turned into a girl who is in love with him.

Yes, yes, let's get the jokes about a guy whose girlfriend is his right hand out of the way first. We good now? Let's get to the review then. I don't know when I first head about this series, but it's managed to float about on the edge of my consciousness for a while now. I was curious about how the logistics of the main character's predicament would be handled. In case you were curious, they don't actually go into much depth, but what we do get is a surprisingly charming little romcom that doesn't play up the perversion potential of the premise and instead mostly focuses on having some lighthearted fun. Although it was made in the early Aughts, it has a 90s feel to it and if you happen to be fond of that era, it's additional reason to consider checking it out. I enjoyed this and would say it's worth a watch.

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