Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)

Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)

Director: Danny Leiner
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Seann William Scott, Kristy Swanson

A pair of stoners must retrace their steps through a wild night in order to salvage their girlfriends' birthday, but the more they learn, the crazier that night proves to be.

Before there was The Hangover, there was this film. Comedy in general has hit the rocks a bit these days and stoner comedies feel almost like a relic at this point. If you're looking for an absurd sequence of events, a fairly colorful cast oddballs and some rather raunchy humor, you'll be well served here. Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott make the most of their team dynamic here. The film is rather quotable and if you find yourself compelled to wrap yourself in bubble wrap, well, it happens. Zoltan! ^o^ Unless you're just adamantly opposed to a comedy like this, it's definitely worth a watch at the very least.

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