Deadfall (1993)

Deadfall (1993)

Director: Christopher Coppola
Starring: Michael Biehn, James Coburn, Nicholas Cage

A con man reunites with his long-lost uncle to take part in one last con.

The premise isn't too bad, a guilt-ridden con man trapped between staying in the game and getting out of it. I like Michael Biehn, so that helps. The real treat, though, is Nicholas Cage, who demonstrates all the restraint you'd expect him to have in a film directed by his brother. He's so deliciously over-the-top insane that you'll either laugh or cry (or maybe both). James Coburn is solid as both the father and uncle of the main character and Charlie Sheen has a brief appearance as a smooth pool shark in a pimpin' smoking jacket. The voiceover is hokey and lifeless and Angus Scrimm as Dr. Lyme is ridiculous (but, like Cage's performance, amusing). It's not that good of a film, but it's entertaining and that has to count for something. Set your expectations accordingly and give it a watch.

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