PT 109 (1963)

PT 109 (1963)

Director: Leslie H Martinson
Starring: Cliff Robertson, Robert Culp, Ty Hardin

Lieutenant John F Kennedy takes command of PT-109 during World War II.

I find it a bit tacky making movies about sitting presidents whichever bent they may have. I did find it interesting that Cliff Robertson was the personal choice of JFK. I guess when you're the President, you can pick who plays you, especially if it's a sympathetic production. Were it not for the fact that it's based on a true story and was released during Kennedy's presidency, this wouldn't stand out that much among all the other WWII films from the era. It's not bad by any means, but if you watch it among a lot of war movies, it may not leave as much of an impression. Like I said, besides the real world element, there's not that much unique the film brings to the table, so I can't give it that strong of an endorsement. If you're a WWII buff and/or a Kennedy fan, you'll probably want to see it. Otherwise it may not have as much appeal.
