Category: Junker Jorg

Jun 23 2016

WIP Update – 22 Jun 16

I managed to make decent progress on Chapter 25 of JJ, but I’m going to have to step it up if I actually intend to finish the book this week. Stay tuned.

Jun 22 2016

WIP Update – 21 Jun 16

I made a little progress on Chapter 25 of JJ. Not nearly enough to meet the day’s quota and certainly not enough to make up for Monday either. I’ll try to turn that around, though. I want to finish the book this week. Stay tuned.

Jun 06 2016

WIP Update – 05 Jun 16

I once again find myself having to make up for lost time, but I managed to meet my goal of finished Chapter 23 of JJ and even managed to go through and round out Chapter 24 as well. I think I can finish the book next cycle. In the meantime, though, I’ve got to return to CeleKing1. Stay tuned.

Jun 03 2016

WIP Update – 02 Jun 16

I managed to get Chapters 20 and 21 of JJ wrapped up. Finishing 23 before the weekend’s out isn’t beyond the realm of possibility, so I’ll make that my goal. At this rate, it may just take one more cycle to finish the book. Let’s see if we can’t make it happen. Stay tuned.

May 31 2016

WIP Update – 30 May 16

I made some progress on Chapter 20 of JJ. If I can stick to my schedule, I should be able to finish it and Chapter 21 this week. If I’m really good, I can get through Chapter 23 as well. That’d be nice. Stay tuned.

May 16 2016

WIP Update – 15 May 16

Wow. I’ve been doing terribly when it comes to meeting my quota. I blame the Sakura Taisen event in GBF. Not my fault at all. >_> Well, I did manage to make some progress on Chapters 24 and 25 of JJ, but not nearly enough to make up for lost time. Did a lot of work on my review backlog too, for whatever that’s worth. I guess I’ll be switching over to CeleKing1. Stay tuned.

May 11 2016

WIP Update – 10 May 16

I found myself hooked on Chapter 24 of JJ and wrote some more on it. I may well finish it before going back to work on the earlier chapters. If all goes well, I may well finish the book on the next cycle. That’d be something. Stay tuned.

May 10 2016

WIP Update – 09 May 16

I’d like to place the blame entirely on finals for not having done a lick of writing all week, but that’d be a lie. I’ve been playing a lot of GBF, even having gone so far as to set up an alt account and run the two simultaneously. Yes, I know I’ve written about my tendency toward gaming addiction and I very nearly pulled out a while back, but I’m still at it, for better or for worse. I did at least write a number of reviews, but story progress is my bread and butter (even if it has yet to earn me either bread or butter).

Well, a week of no writing finally caught up to me and I stayed up an extra hour just so I could put some time into JJ. Because inspiration struck, I jumped ahead to write on Chapter 24. I need to go back and finish the earlier chapters. Gives me a goal. Stay tuned.

Apr 25 2016

WIP Update – 24 Apr 16

So I don’t get anything done Saturday and I come up under par after that. Needless to say, I fell short of my goal but I more or less hit the wordcount quota for the week. Now it’s time to switch over and get the ball rolling on CeleKing1. Stay tuned.

Apr 23 2016

WIP Update – 22 Apr 16

I continued to inch along in Chapter 20 of JJ. I’m meeting quota, but it turns out that there’s a fair bit more to sort out. I’ll keep chipping away at it though and see if I can’t meet my goal for the week. Stay tuned.