Jul 29 2017

WIP Update – 28 Jul 17

I managed to finish Chapter 13 of CeleKing2. And now I have to think about getting through Chapter 12. You see, this part of the story is tricky for me because it touches on one of the challenges I face as a writer and that is how far I should go. I don’t have any interest in being “edgy” for edginess’ sake. You can have a strong impact when you push the envelope, but oftentimes it’s more effective to practice restraint.

Celestial society has a lot of depravity to it and highlighting that is one way of reinforcing Yasuko’s mission to bring them down, but at what point am I going too far? I have a feeling my threshold may actually be lower than a lot of people, so it may not be that much of a problem. It’s certainly not my intention to be exploitative. Part of the point is to show Yasuko’s strength in resisting and eventually overcoming those who mean to use her, but that may just come off as a fig leaf to try to lend some respectability to a string of abuses involving a 16-year-old girl.

Well, I guess all I can do is charge forward and if I think I’ve overstepped any boundaries or fallen short of what’s needed to really drive the point home, I can always send it through a round of rewrites. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.

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