Sep 25 2015

WIP Update – 23-24 Sep 15

I’ve made more progress on Chapter 5 of JJ, a bit under quota, but that’s offset by a rather substantial amount of work I’ve been doing in the peripheral materials. You see, the encyclopedia for JJ was originally written to be concurrent with the story, but I’ve since modified it to cover events a good 30 or so years after the story ends. I don’t think it’s a big spoiler to say that Miravel, the world where JJ takes place, is on the block for Reclamation by the Empire. Well, after the events of the story, there’s a world war between the nations willing to submit and those who resist. Besides updating entries in the encyclopedia to account for the aftermath, I also drew up the revised world map. There were other things like expanded family trees and more fleshed out geographical information, but I know that story progress is what I’m supposed to be reporting first and foremost. I’m not that far off from finishing Chapter 5 and while finishing Chapter 6 over the weekend may be a stretch, I can at least make some good headway. Stay tuned.

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