Sep 13 2014

WIP Update – 11-12 Sep 14

We have another instance of me missing my quota and then having to pay it back with interest the following day. I had a lot of work-related stuff going on Thursday, so that made it difficult. It’s not that I did nothing, mind you. I did a fair bit of work in the peripheral materials, working out the order of succession for the Hua Dynasty and getting their family tree started. However, as I’ve said time and time again (and this’ll be the last time I reiterate it, I swear), the quota system applies to story content only. The peripheral materials are just extra as far as all that’s concerned. Now, I’ve been above quota all week, so I can technically afford to slack off a day or two, but I’m really enjoying this boost to my productivity, so I intend to continue to put my nose to the grindstone.

The actual story progress came from KniTwi. I think I’m going to start mentioning which chapters I’m working on from now on since I have the structure established. The CeleKing stories aren’t quite as well-formed yet, though.

I’ve got the weekend before me, so I should be able to continue chugging along. Stay tuned.

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