Feb 10 2014

WIP Update – 08-09 Feb 14

What progress I made Saturday was mostly done in the peripheral materials. I actually spent quite a bit of time just reading my stuff. I don’t mean this to be self-congratulatory or anything, but I do enjoy reading my own work and since I write for myself first, I guess that’s a good sign.

Yesterday, I wrote a few scenes from the Earth Arc thriller Ladybug, Ladybug. The scenes were kinda stuck in my head, so I decided to get them down on the page. Perhaps the next time I get some time off, I should devote myself to just writing down all the scenes from all the different stories that are floating around in the ol’ cabeza and then worry about grafting them into cohesive narratives later. I don’t know. It’s an idea.

I didn’t get around to finishing Ionathas’ Chapter 2, but I think I’ll try devoting what little writing time I can manage during the week to restarting Tico3. I need to punch things up a bit because my current plan for the chapter is rather bland. We’ll see what I can come up with. Stay tuned.

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