Jul 19 2013

Predator and Prey

During my last trip to the wilds, I saw a dog playing with a rabbit. If you’re unfamiliar with rabbits, you might think they don’t make any noise. I personally don’t have much experience with rabbits, but I do know that they squeak when they’re in distress. It’s unpleasant to hear.

I call off the dog, figuring I’ll give the rabbit a chance to get away. It was only a juvenile. Probably hadn’t been weaned that long. Well, when the dog came over to me, the rabbit just lied there. At first I thought it was just being too stupid to take the chance I’d given it, but I then learned that  it was already mortally wounded.

Because it was past saving, I let the dog have her prey. This is, after all, the law of the wild. There are predators and there is prey. Domestication distorts the system a little, but in the wilds you’re a little closer to the natural order and for my increasingly urbanized self, that order is an alien one.

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